Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Day Two Finding our way and scaling new heights.

The sun shone bright and it felt like it was the first signs of spring as the early morning mist was quickly burnt off and after a long (or in some cases not so long) sleep, everyone "breakfasted " well and we were ready for the busy day ahead

Different groups worked to different plans and everybody had their favourites. It was good to do Archery as that wasn't on the original list. For those who were afraid of heights some challenges started coming today but many were ready for it. The Giant Swing lifted pairs of pupils about 30 ft up in the air before they pulled a rope to plummet suddenly.

For others it was the Zip wire which provided the fun and the fear.

Meanwhile many of our mini petrol heads enjoyed the challenges of the curvy Quad bike track.

Some fun learning opportunites also form a part of our week. This afternoon for everybody it was map skills. This group is combining ideas to create their own made up island and map.

The practical challenges came when teams of five were all round site exploring six figure grid references. Which even had the teachers scratching their heads and stroking their chins at times.

The final picture is just a small clue to a madcap evening of activities and challenges which formed the "generation game". No scores on the doors(A reference for older TV viewers) but scores on the whiteboard. Here are two curious members of the audience, watching the raps.
Bin liner dresses, shoe towers and "bottom drawing"???? caused further amusement. The funky Chickens were the overall winners.

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